Standard ERC721 NFT functions


Basic functionality for a ERC721 contract that handles IPFS storage for you.


const contract = await sdk.getContract("{{contract_address}}");
await contract.erc721.transfer(walletAddress, tokenId);

Type Parameters

  • T extends Multiwrap | SignatureDrop | DropERC721 | TokenERC721 | BaseERC721 = BaseERC721


  • Erc721


  • UpdateableNetwork
  • DetectableFeature


  • Type Parameters

    • T extends BaseERC721 | DropERC721 | SignatureDrop | TokenERC721 | Multiwrap = BaseERC721


    • contractWrapper: ContractWrapper<T>
    • storage: ThirdwebStorage<IpfsUploadBatchOptions>
    • chainId: number

    Returns Erc721<T>


_chainId: number
burn: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Burn a single NFT


      • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      const result = await contract.erc721.burn(tokenId);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

burnable: undefined | Erc721Burnable
cancel: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Cancel loyalty card NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Cancel loyalty card NFTs held by the connected wallet


      // The token ID of the loyalty card you want to cancel
      const tokenId = 0;

      const result = await contract.erc721.cancel(tokenId);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

claim: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Claim NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [quantity: BigNumberish, options?: ClaimOptions]

      Returns Promise<TResult>

      • an array of results containing the id of the token claimed, the transaction receipt and a promise to optionally fetch the nft metadata


      Let the specified wallet claim NFTs.


      const quantity = 1; // how many unique NFTs you want to claim

      const tx = await contract.erc721.claim(quantity);
      const receipt = tx.receipt; // the transaction receipt
      const claimedTokenId =; // the id of the NFT claimed
      const claimedNFT = await; // (optional) get the claimed NFT metadata


      ERC721ClaimCustom | ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1 | ERC721ClaimZora

  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>)
claimCustom: undefined | Erc721Claimable
claimTo: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Claim NFTs to a specific wallet


      • Rest ...args: [destinationAddress: string, quantity: BigNumberish, options?: ClaimOptions]

      Returns Promise<TResult>

      • an array of results containing the id of the token claimed, the transaction receipt and a promise to optionally fetch the nft metadata


      Let the specified wallet claim NFTs.


      const address = "{{wallet_address}}"; // address of the wallet you want to claim the NFTs
      const quantity = 1; // how many unique NFTs you want to claim

      const tx = await contract.erc721.claimTo(address, quantity);
      const receipt = tx.receipt; // the transaction receipt
      const claimedTokenId =; // the id of the NFT claimed
      const claimedNFT = await; // (optional) get the claimed NFT metadata


      ERC721ClaimCustom | ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1 | ERC721ClaimZora

  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>)
claimWithConditions: undefined | Erc721ClaimableWithConditions
claimZora: undefined | Erc721ClaimableZora
contractWrapper: ContractWrapper<T>
erc721SharedMetadata: undefined | Erc721SharedMetadata
featureName: "ERC721" =
lazyMint: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<objectOutputType<{
        animation_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
        attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
        description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
        external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
        id: ZodString;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
        name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
        properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        uri: ZodString;
    }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>[]>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Lazy mint NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [metadatas: (string | objectInputType<{
            animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">)[], options?: {
            onProgress: ((event) => void);

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Create batch allows you to create a batch of many unique NFTs in one transaction.


      // Custom metadata of the NFTs to create
      const metadatas = [{
      name: "Cool NFT",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file
      }, {
      name: "Cool NFT",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"),

      const results = await contract.erc721.lazyMint(metadatas); // uploads and creates the NFTs on chain
      const firstTokenId = results[0].id; // token id of the first created NFT
      const firstNFT = await results[0].data(); // (optional) fetch details of the first created NFT



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<objectOutputType<{
        animation_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
        attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
        description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
        external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
        id: ZodString;
        image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
        name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
        properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        uri: ZodString;
    }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>[]>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<objectOutputType<{
            animation_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
            id: ZodString;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            uri: ZodString;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>[]>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [metadatas: (string | objectInputType<{
              animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
              background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
              description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
              external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
              properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">)[], options?: {
              onProgress: ((event) => void);

        Returns Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<objectOutputType<{
            animation_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
            id: ZodString;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            uri: ZodString;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>[]>>

lazyMintable: undefined | Erc721LazyMintable
loyaltyCard: undefined | Erc721LoyaltyCard
mint: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Mint an NFT


      • Rest ...args: [metadata: string | objectInputType<{
            animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Mint an NFT to the connected wallet.


      // Custom metadata of the NFT, note that you can fully customize this metadata with other properties.
      const metadata = {
      name: "Cool NFT",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file

      const tx = await;
      const receipt = tx.receipt; // the transaction receipt
      const tokenId =; // the id of the NFT minted
      const nft = await; // (optional) fetch details of minted NFT



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [metadata: string | objectInputType<{
              animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
              background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
              description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
              external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
              properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>

mintBatch: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Mint many NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [metadatas: (string | objectInputType<{
            animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">)[]]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Mint many unique NFTs at once to the connected wallet


      // Custom metadata of the NFTs you want to mint.
      const metadatas = [{
      name: "Cool NFT #1",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file
      }, {
      name: "Cool NFT #2",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/other/image.png"),

      const tx = await contract.erc721.mintBatch(metadatas);
      const receipt = tx[0].receipt; // same transaction receipt for all minted NFTs
      const firstTokenId = tx[0].id; // token id of the first minted NFT
      const firstNFT = await tx[0].data(); // (optional) fetch details of the first minted NFT



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [metadatas: (string | objectInputType<{
              animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
              background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
              description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
              external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
              properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">)[]]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>

mintBatchTo: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Mint many NFTs to a specific wallet


      • Rest ...args: [receiver: string, metadatas: (string | objectInputType<{
            animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">)[]]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Mint many unique NFTs at once to a specified wallet.


      // Address of the wallet you want to mint the NFT to
      const walletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";

      // Custom metadata of the NFTs you want to mint.
      const metadatas = [{
      name: "Cool NFT #1",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file
      }, {
      name: "Cool NFT #2",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/other/image.png"),

      const tx = await contract.erc721.mintBatchTo(walletAddress, metadatas);
      const receipt = tx[0].receipt; // same transaction receipt for all minted NFTs
      const firstTokenId = tx[0].id; // token id of the first minted NFT
      const firstNFT = await tx[0].data(); // (optional) fetch details of the first minted NFT



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [receiver: string, metadatas: (string | objectInputType<{
              animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
              background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
              description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
              external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
              properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">)[]]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>[]>>

mintTo: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Mint an NFT to a specific wallet


      • Rest ...args: [receiver: string, metadata: string | objectInputType<{
            animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Mint a unique NFT to a specified wallet.


      // Address of the wallet you want to mint the NFT to
      const walletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";

      // Custom metadata of the NFT, note that you can fully customize this metadata with other properties.
      const metadata = {
      name: "Cool NFT",
      description: "This is a cool NFT",
      image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"), // This can be an image url or file

      const tx = await contract.erc721.mintTo(walletAddress, metadata);
      const receipt = tx.receipt; // the transaction receipt
      const tokenId =; // the id of the NFT minted
      const nft = await; // (optional) fetch details of minted NFT



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [receiver: string, metadata: string | objectInputType<{
              animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
              background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
              description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
              external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
              properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>

mintable: undefined | Erc721Mintable
query: undefined | Erc721Supply
revoke: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Revoke loyalty card NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Revoke loyalty card NFTs held by some owner.


      // The token ID of the loyalty card you want to revoke
      const tokenId = 0;

      const result = await contract.erc721.revoke(tokenId);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

setApprovalForAll: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Set approval for all NFTs


      • Rest ...args: [operator: string, approved: boolean]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Approve or remove operator as an operator for the caller. Operators can call transferFrom or safeTransferFrom for any token owned by the caller.


      const operator = "{{wallet_address}}";
      await contract.erc721.setApprovalForAll(operator, true);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [operator: string, approved: boolean]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

signatureMintable: undefined | Erc721WithQuantitySignatureMintable
storage: ThirdwebStorage<IpfsUploadBatchOptions>
tieredDropable: undefined | Erc721TieredDrop
transfer: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Transfer an NFT


      • Rest ...args: [to: string, tokenId: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Transfer an NFT from the connected wallet to another wallet.


      const walletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";
      const tokenId = 0;
      await contract.erc721.transfer(walletAddress, tokenId);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [to: string, tokenId: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

transferFrom: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Transfer an NFT from a specific wallet


      • Rest ...args: [from: string, to: string, tokenId: BigNumberish]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Transfer an NFT from the given wallet to another wallet.


      const fromWalletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";
      const toWalletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";
      const tokenId = 0;
      await contract.erc721.transferFrom(fromWalletAddress, toWalletAddress, tokenId);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [from: string, to: string, tokenId: BigNumberish]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>

updatableMetadata: undefined | Erc721UpdatableMetadata
update: {
    prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>);
    (...args): Promise<TResult>;
} = ...

Type declaration

    • (...args): Promise<TResult>
    • Update the metadata of an NFT


      • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish, metadata: string | objectInputType<{
            animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
            background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
            description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
            external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                name: ZodString;
            }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }, {
                data?: any;
                name: string;
            }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
            name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
            properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
        }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">]

      Returns Promise<TResult>


      Update the metadata of an NFT


      // The token ID of the NFT whose metadata you want to update
      const tokenId = 0;
      // The new metadata
      const metadata = { name: "My NFT", description: "My NFT description" }

      await contract.erc721.update(tokenId, metadata);



  • prepare: ((...args) => Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>)
      • (...args): Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>
      • Parameters

        • Rest ...args: [tokenId: BigNumberish, metadata: string | objectInputType<{
              animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
              background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
              description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
              external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
                  data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
                  name: ZodString;
              }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }, {
                  data?: any;
                  name: string;
              }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
              name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
              properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">]

        Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>


  • get claimConditions(): DropClaimConditions<BaseClaimConditionERC721>
  • Configure claim conditions

    Returns DropClaimConditions<BaseClaimConditionERC721>


    Define who can claim NFTs in the collection, when and how many.


    const presaleStartTime = new Date();
    const publicSaleStartTime = new Date( + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000);
    const claimConditions = [
    startTime: presaleStartTime, // start the presale now
    maxClaimableSupply: 2, // limit how many mints for this presale
    price: 0.01, // presale price
    snapshot: ['0x...', '0x...'], // limit minting to only certain addresses
    startTime: publicSaleStartTime, // 24h after presale, start public sale
    price: 0.08, // public sale price
    await contract.erc721.claimConditions.set(claimConditions);


    ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1

  • get revealer(): DelayedReveal<BaseDelayedRevealERC721>
  • Mint delayed reveal NFTs

    Returns DelayedReveal<BaseDelayedRevealERC721>


    Create a batch of encrypted NFTs that can be revealed at a later time.


    // the real NFTs, these will be encrypted until you reveal them
    const realNFTs = [{
    name: "Common NFT #1",
    description: "Common NFT, one of many.",
    image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"),
    }, {
    name: "Super Rare NFT #2",
    description: "You got a Super Rare NFT!",
    image: fs.readFileSync("path/to/image.png"),
    // A placeholder NFT that people will get immediately in their wallet, and will be converted to the real NFT at reveal time
    const placeholderNFT = {
    name: "Hidden NFT",
    description: "Will be revealed next week!"
    // Create and encrypt the NFTs
    await contract.erc721.revealer.createDelayedRevealBatch(
    "my secret password",
    // Whenever you're ready, reveal your NFTs at any time
    const batchId = 0; // the batch to reveal
    await contract.erc721.revealer.reveal(batchId, "my secret password");



  • get sharedMetadata(): Erc721SharedMetadata
  • Set shared metadata for all NFTs

    Returns Erc721SharedMetadata


    Set shared metadata for all NFTs in the collection. (Open Edition)


    // defiine the metadata
    const metadata = {
    name: "Shared Metadata",
    description: "Every NFT in this collection will share this metadata."

    const tx = contract.erc721.sharedMetadata.set(metadata);



  • get signature(): Erc721WithQuantitySignatureMintable
  • Mint with signature

    Returns Erc721WithQuantitySignatureMintable


    Generate dynamic NFTs with your own signature, and let others mint them using that signature.


    // see how to craft a payload to sign in the `contract.erc721.signature.generate()` documentation
    const signedPayload = await contract.erc721.signature.generate(payload);

    // now anyone can mint the NFT
    const tx = await;
    const receipt = tx.receipt; // the mint transaction receipt
    const mintedId =; // the id of the NFT minted


    ERC721SignatureMintV1 | ERC721SignatureMintV2


  • Get NFT balance of a specific wallet


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<BigNumber>


    Get a wallets NFT balance (number of NFTs in this contract owned by the wallet).


    const walletAddress = "{{wallet_address}}";
    const balance = await contract.erc721.balanceOf(walletAddress);



  • Get a single NFT


    • tokenId: BigNumberish

      the tokenId of the NFT to retrieve

    Returns Promise<NFT>

    The NFT metadata


    const tokenId = 0;
    const nft = await contract.erc721.get(tokenId);



  • Get all NFTs


    • Optional queryParams: {
          count?: number;
          start?: number;

      optional filtering to only fetch a subset of results.

      • Optional count?: number
      • Optional start?: number

    Returns Promise<NFT[]>

    The NFT metadata for all NFTs queried.


    Get all the data associated with every NFT in this contract.

    By default, returns the first 100 NFTs, use queryParams to fetch more.


    const nfts = await contract.erc721.getAll();


    ERC721Supply | ERC721Enumerable

  • Get all NFT owners

    Returns Promise<{
        owner: string;
        tokenId: number;

    an array of token ids and owners


    const owners = await contract.erc721.getAllOwners();


    ERC721Supply | ERC721Enumerable

  • Construct a claim transaction without executing it. This is useful for estimating the gas cost of a claim transaction, overriding transaction options and having fine grained control over the transaction execution.


    • destinationAddress: string

      Address you want to send the token to

    • quantity: BigNumberish

      Quantity of the tokens you want to claim

    • Optional options: ClaimOptions

      optional claim options

    Returns Promise<Transaction<Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">>>


    Use contract.erc721.claim.prepare(...args) instead


    ERC721ClaimCustom | ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1

  • Construct a mint transaction without executing it. This is useful for estimating the gas cost of a mint transaction, overriding transaction options and having fine grained control over the transaction execution.


    • receiver: string

      Address you want to send the token to

    • metadata: string | objectInputType<{
          animation_url: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
              data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
              name: ZodString;
          }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
              data?: any;
              name: string;
          }, {
              data?: any;
              name: string;
          }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
          attributes: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
          background_color: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodEffects<ZodString, string, string>, ZodString]>>>;
          description: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodString>>>;
          external_url: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
              data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
              name: ZodString;
          }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
              data?: any;
              name: string;
          }, {
              data?: any;
              name: string;
          }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
          image: ZodOptional<ZodNullable<ZodUnion<[ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodObject<{
              data: ZodUnion<[ZodTypeAny, ZodString]>;
              name: ZodString;
          }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, {
              data?: any;
              name: string;
          }, {
              data?: any;
              name: string;
          }>]>, ZodString]>>>;
          name: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodNumber]>>>;
          properties: ZodNullable<ZodOptional<ZodUnion<[ZodArray<ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>, "many">, ZodObject<{}, "strip", ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">, objectInputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">>]>>>;
      }, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BN | BigNumber>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">

      The metadata of the NFT you want to mint

    Returns Promise<Transaction<TransactionResultWithId<NFT>>>


    Use instead



  • Get all NFTs owned by a specific wallet


    • Optional walletAddress: string

      the wallet address to query, defaults to the connected wallet

    • Optional queryParams: {
          count?: number;
          start?: number;

      optional filtering to only fetch a subset of results.

      • Optional count?: number
      • Optional start?: number

    Returns Promise<NFT[]>

    The NFT metadata for all NFTs in the contract.


    Get all the data associated with the NFTs owned by a specific wallet.


    // Address of the wallet to get the NFTs of
    const address = "{{wallet_address}}";
    const nfts = await contract.erc721.getOwned(address);


    ERC721Supply | ERC721Enumerable

  • Get all token ids of NFTs owned by a specific wallet.


    • Optional walletAddress: string

      the wallet address to query, defaults to the connected wallet

    Returns Promise<BigNumber[]>

  • Get whether this wallet has approved transfers from the given operator


    • address: string

      the wallet address

    • operator: string

      the operator address

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Get the current owner of an NFT


    • tokenId: BigNumberish

      the tokenId of the NFT

    Returns Promise<string>

    the address of the owner



  • Get the claimed supply

    Returns Promise<BigNumber>

    the unclaimed supply


    Get the number of claimed NFTs in this Drop.


    const claimedNFTCount = await contract.totalClaimedSupply();
    console.log(`NFTs claimed: ${claimedNFTCount}`);


    ERC721ClaimCustom | ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1

  • Get the total number of NFTs minted

    Returns Promise<BigNumber>

    the total number of NFTs minted in this contract


    This returns the total number of NFTs minted in this contract, not the total supply of a given token.


    const count = await contract.erc721.totalCount();
  • Get the unclaimed supply

    Returns Promise<BigNumber>

    the unclaimed supply


    Get the number of unclaimed NFTs in this Drop.


    const unclaimedNFTCount = await contract.totalUnclaimedSupply();
    console.log(`NFTs left to claim: ${unclaimedNFTCount}`);


    ERC721ClaimCustom | ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1

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