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Functionality available for contracts that implement the IDirectListings interface.


Approve a wallet address to be able to buy a reserved listing.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.approveBuyerForReservedListing(


The ID of the listing you want to approve a buyer for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.approveBuyerForReservedListing(


The wallet address of the buyer you want to approve.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.approveBuyerForReservedListing(


Buy an NFT from a listing.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.buyFromListing(


The ID of the listing.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.buyFromListing(


The number of tokens to buy (default is 1 for ERC721 NFTs)

Must be a string or number.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.buyFromListing(


The wallet address of the buyer.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.buyFromListing(


Cancel a listing that you created.

Only the creator of the listing can cancel it.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.cancelListing("{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing you want to cancel.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.cancelListing(


Create a new direct listing on the marketplace.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}", // Required - smart contract address of NFT to sell
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Required - token ID of the NFT to sell
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}", // Required - price of each token in the listing
currencyContractAddress: "{{currency_contract_address}}", // Optional - smart contract address of the currency to use for the listing
isReservedListing: false, // Optional - whether or not the listing is reserved (only specific wallet addresses can buy)
quantity: "{{quantity}}", // Optional - number of tokens to sell (1 for ERC721 NFTs)
startTimestamp: new Date(), // Optional - when the listing should start (default is now)
endTimestamp: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), // Optional - when the listing should end (default is 7 days from now)

assetContractAddress (required)

The smart contract address of the NFT you want to list for sale.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",

tokenId (required)

The token ID of the NFT you want to list for sale.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",

pricePerToken (required)

The price of each token in the listing.

  • For ERC721 NFTs, this is the price to buy the NFT.
  • For ERC1155 NFTs, this is the price to buy one token in the listing.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",

currencyContractAddress (optional)

The address of the ERC20 token smart contract you want buyers to pay with.

Defaults to NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS if not provided. e.g. Ether for Ethereum.

Must be a string.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",
currencyContractAddress: "{{currency_contract_address}}",

isReservedListing (optional)

Whether the listing is reserved or not.

Reserved listings can only be bought by specific wallet addresses, which you can add by calling approveBuyerForReservedListing.

Must be a boolean. Defaults to false.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",
isReservedListing: false,

quantity (optional)

For ERC1155 NFTs, the number of tokens to sell in the listing.

For ERC721 NFTs, this is always 1.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",
quantity: "{{quantity}}",

startTimestamp (optional)

The start timestamp of the listing.

Must be a Date. The default is new Date() (now).

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",
startTimestamp: new Date(),

endTimestamp (optional)

The end timestamp of the listing.

Must be a Date. The default is 7 days from now.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.createListing({
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}",
tokenId: "{{token_id}}",
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}",
endTimestamp: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),


Retrieve data for all direct listings on the marketplace.

const allListings = await contract.directListings.getAll();

filter (optional)

Optionally, provide a filter object to narrow the returned results.

const allListings = await contract.directListings.getAll(
count: 100, // Number of listings to fetch
offeror: "{{offeror_address}}", // Has offers from this address
seller: "{{seller_address}}", // Being sold by this address
start: 0, // Start from this index (pagination)
tokenContract: "{{token_contract_address}}", // Only show NFTs from this collection
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Only show NFTs with this ID

Return Value

Returns an array of DirectListingV3 objects containing the following properties:

id: string; // The id of the listing.
creatorAddress: string; // The address of the creator of listing.
assetContractAddress: string; // The address of the asset being listed.
tokenId: string; // The ID of the token to list.
quantity: string; // The quantity of tokens to include in the listing (always 1 for ERC721).
currencyContractAddress: string; // The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue; // The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
pricePerToken: string; // The price to pay per unit of NFTs listed.
asset: NFTMetadata; // The asset being listed.
startTimeInSeconds: number; // The start time of the listing.
endTimeInSeconds: number; // The end time of the listing.
isReservedListing: boolean; // Whether the listing is reserved to be bought from a specific set of buyers.
status: Status; // Whether the listing is CREATED, COMPLETED, or CANCELLED.


Get all the valid direct listings on the marketplace.

A listing is considered valid if the:

  • Seller still owns the NFT
  • Listing has not expired (time is before endTimeInSeconds)
  • Listing has not been canceled
  • Listing has not been bought out (all quantity of the NFTs have not been purchased)
const validListings = await contract.directListings.getAllValid();

filter (optional)

Optionally, provide a filter object to narrow the returned results.

const validListings = await contract.directListings.getAllValid(
count: 100, // Number of listings to fetch
offeror: "{{offeror_address}}", // Has offers from this address
seller: "{{seller_address}}", // Being sold by this address
start: 0, // Start from this index (pagination)
tokenContract: "{{token_contract_address}}", // Only show NFTs from this collection
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Only show NFTs with this ID

Return Value

Returns an array of DirectListingV3 objects containing the following properties:

id: string; // The id of the listing.
creatorAddress: string; // The address of the creator of listing.
assetContractAddress: string; // The address of the asset being listed.
tokenId: string; // The ID of the token to list.
quantity: string; // The quantity of tokens to include in the listing (always 1 for ERC721).
currencyContractAddress: string; // The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue; // The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
pricePerToken: string; // The price to pay per unit of NFTs listed.
asset: NFTMetadata; // The asset being listed.
startTimeInSeconds: number; // The start time of the listing.
endTimeInSeconds: number; // The end time of the listing.
isReservedListing: boolean; // Whether the listing is reserved to be bought from a specific set of buyers.
status: Status; // Whether the listing is CREATED, COMPLETED, or CANCELLED.


Retrieve data for a specific direct listing on the marketplace using the listing ID.

const listing = await contract.directListings.getListing("{{listing_id}}");


The ID of the listing to retrieve.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const listing = await contract.directListings.getListing(

Return Value

Returns a DirectListingV3 object containing the following properties:

id: string; // The id of the listing.
creatorAddress: string; // The address of the creator of listing.
assetContractAddress: string; // The address of the asset being listed.
tokenId: string; // The ID of the token to list.
quantity: string; // The quantity of tokens to include in the listing (always 1 for ERC721).
currencyContractAddress: string; // The address of the currency to accept for the listing.
currencyValuePerToken: CurrencyValue; // The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
pricePerToken: string; // The price to pay per unit of NFTs listed.
asset: NFTMetadata; // The asset being listed.
startTimeInSeconds: number; // The start time of the listing.
endTimeInSeconds: number; // The end time of the listing.
isReservedListing: boolean; // Whether the listing is reserved to be bought from a specific set of buyers.
status: Status; // Whether the listing is CREATED, COMPLETED, or CANCELLED.


Get the total number of direct listings on the marketplace.

const numListings = await contract.directListings.getTotalCount();

Return Value

Returns a BigNumber representing the total number of direct listings on the marketplace.



Check if a buyer is approved to purchase a reserved listing.

const isApproved = await contract.directListings.isBuyerApprovedForListing(


The ID of the listing to check.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const isApproved = await contract.directListings.isBuyerApprovedForListing(


The wallet address of the buyer to check.

Must be a string.

const isApproved = await contract.directListings.isBuyerApprovedForListing(

Return Value

Returns a boolean representing whether the buyer is approved to purchase the listing.



Check whether you can use a specific currency to purchase a listing.

const isApproved = await contract.directListings.isCurrencyApprovedForListing(


The ID of the listing to check.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const isApproved = await contract.directListings.isCurrencyApprovedForListing(


The smart contract address of the ERC20 token to check.

Must be a string.

const isApproved = await contract.directListings.isCurrencyApprovedForListing(

Return Value

Returns a boolean representing whether the currency is approved to purchase the listing.



Revoke approval for a buyer to purchase a reserved listing.

const txResult =
await contract.directListings.revokeBuyerApprovalForReservedListing(


The ID of the listing to revoke approval for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult =
await contract.directListings.revokeBuyerApprovalForReservedListing(


The wallet address of the buyer to revoke approval for.

Must be a string.

const txResult =
await contract.directListings.revokeBuyerApprovalForReservedListing(


Revoke approval for a currency to purchase a listing.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.revokeCurrencyApprovalForListing(


The ID of the listing to revoke approval for.

Must be a string, number, or BigNumber.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.revokeCurrencyApprovalForListing(


The smart contract address of the ERC20 token to revoke approval for.

Must be a string.

Use the NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS constant to revoke approval for the native currency.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.revokeCurrencyApprovalForListing(


Update a previously created listing.

const txResult = await contract.directListings.updateListing("{{listing_id}}", {
assetContractAddress: "{{asset_contract_address}}", // Required - smart contract address of NFT to sell
tokenId: "{{token_id}}", // Required - token ID of the NFT to sell
pricePerToken: "{{price_per_token}}", // Required - price of each token in the listing
currencyContractAddress: "{{currency_contract_address}}", // Optional - smart contract address of the currency to use for the listing
isReservedListing: false, // Optional - whether or not the listing is reserved (only specific wallet addresses can buy)
quantity: "{{quantity}}", // Optional - number of tokens to sell (1 for ERC721 NFTs)
startTimestamp: new Date(), // Optional - when the listing should start (default is now)
endTimestamp: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), // Optional - when the listing should end (default is 7 days from now)


The ID of the listing to update.


The information to update about the listing.

If you do not want to update a field, do not include it in the provided listing object. The previous value will be used.

For information about each property, see createListing.